Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Gift

The gift of God was not a child wrapped in swaddling clothes. That image belittles the work of our Savior.

No, the gift of God was Himself wrapped in human flesh waiting to be torn open to reveal the most precious gift of all, LIFE.

It's not a pretty picture. We like the wrapping paper too much. It's too pretty and perfect. Yet, the gift that is Christ must be torn open. We must accept the tearing if His flesh to find the gift hidden inside. We cannot carefully remove the tape to save the paper. It is seamless. It is perfect. But it must be torn. It won't come off any other way.

To receive the gift of life, we must tear the Lifebringer. And just when we thought we discarded the wrapping, He appears anew. In all His glory to share the life that He paid for. You see, the gift He gives you is meant to be shared with Him. The life He offers belongs to both of you. It's why He came back. For what is life without Him. You think He was torn to give you independence? No my friend, He was torn to give you freedom from sin and life to be shared.

Your gift can be multiplied and given away. Yet, your box will never be empty. He will always replenish the life He paid for. It is a never ending flow. The miracle is that His one life torn apart allows you to give life without being torn apart. He paid the price so you can live and so you can give.

Perhaps it is time to take that gift that has been sitting for far too long. It's perfect paper and beautifully wrapping begs to be torn open to reveal His gift to you.

For by grace you have been saved  through faith, and that not of yourselves;  it is  the gift of God, (Ephesians 2:8 NKJV)

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